God and Allah: The Light of the Same Supreme Power

**Caption:** "Different depictions, shared faith: Exploring divine imagery across cultures."

Muslim leader Mehmood Madani has said that God and Allah are one, Gandhi also said Ishwar Allah tero naam, and many secular leaders have been saying that whether you call God or Allah, they are the same thing. Now the time has come to fully explain the fact that God and Allah are neither one, nor can calling them one be accepted in any way because this idea is completely absurd.

The Allah of the Quran is Muhammad’s thought which is believed only by Muslims. Comparing anyone with Allah or associating anyone with Him is Kufr in Islam, if both are one then why is there a ban on the use of the word Ishwar in mosques etc.? Only the word Allah is used.The idea that Allah and Ishwar are the same is primarily intended for the Hindu community to understand.
The main difference can be understood in this way:
God and Allah

To understand Allah, it is necessary to read his heavenly book, in which it is written that Allah is sitting on the throne on the 7th sky. That is, Allah has hands, legs, body and he is sitting like a common man. So you will not know which is bigger in size, Allah or the throne?

At night the sun rests under Allah’s bed. Now find out the temperature and size of the sun from them. The diameter of the sun is about 13 lakh 90 thousand kilometers which is about 109 times more than the earth. The temperature of the center of the sun is estimated to be 150 lakh degrees centigrade. Now you understand that there is no such thing as Allah.

Allah gives heaven only to Muslims after death, if a person becomes a Muslim at the time of death, he will also go to heaven and there is so much discrimination that a non-Muslim will go to hell.

In Allah’s heaven, a man is promised 72 women and rivers of honey and wine for ultimate pleasure and ease. The man’s ex-wife will be their leader.

Allah will keep the Muslim in the grave until all the people of the world become Muslim. For that Allah likes Jihad and has given freedom in the Quran to shed the blood of non-Muslims.

God and Allah

(1) God is omnipresent, whereas Allah lives in the seventh heaven.

(2) God is omnipotent, he does not take help from anyone in doing work, whereas Allah has to take help from angels and jinns.

(3) God is just, he judges every day according to the deeds of the living beings, whereas Allah judges only on the Day of Judgment, and that too of those who are buried in the graves.

(4) God punishes the wicked, but Allah forgives their sins, including those of rapists and converts.

(5) God says, “Become a human being” Manurbhav Janaya Daivyam Janam – Rigveda 10.53.6,

While Allah says, become a Muslim. Sura-2, Al-Baqarah Para-1, Verse-134,135,136

(6) God is omniscient, he knows about the three time periods in relation to the deeds of living beings, while Allah is ignorant*, *he did not know that Satan will not obey him, otherwise why would he create Satan?

(7) God is formless and hence bodiless, while Allah has a body and sees with one eye.

“I (God) have given this divine wisdom for everyone’s benefit.”
Yajurveda 26/”Allah does not guide the ‘kafir’ people (non-Muslims)” (10.9.37 p. 374) (Quran 9:37).

(8)God says Sam Gachchhadhwam Sam Vaddhhwam Sam Vo Manansi Jantaam.

Devam Bhagam Yathapoorve Sanjanana Upasate. (Rigveda 10/191/2)

God and Allah

Meaning:- O Humans! Walk together, talk together. Let your minds become one and acquire knowledge. Just as the learned and wise people of the past have been worshipping the Lord knowing Him to be worshipped, you should also do the same.

Allah of Quran says “O Believers! (Muslims) Fight those ‘Kafirs’ (non-Muslims) who are around you, and let them find kindness in you.” (11.9.123 p. 391) (Quran 9:123).

(9)Ajyeshthaso akanishthaas ete sam bhrataaro vavrudhuh saubhaaya.-(Rig Veda 5/60/5)

Meaning:-God says that O people of the world! “None of you is greater or lesser.” You all are brothers. Move forward to achieve good fortune. God and Allah

Believers are pure; idol worshippers are impure. God and Allah

(10) Allah of Quran is ignorant, he tests Muslims, that is why he asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his son.

God of Vedas is omniscient, that is, he knows what is in the mind, there is no need to test him.

(11) Allah is happy by taking the life of living beings and infidels

But God of Vedas is happy by serving and showing kindness to humans and living beings.

There are many such proofs, but intelligent people will understand from this that God and Allah are not the same.

Q.- Are all religions like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc. same or different? What is the difference between religion and belief or sect?

Answer: -Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc. are not religions but beliefs or sects. There are many differences between religion and belief.

Religion is God-given and that which is mentioned above, the rest are different opinions which are created by man.

Religion unites people whereas special opinions promote distances by increasing differences among people.

By following religion, love and harmony increases in the society, by following a particular opinion, a person starts considering his followers as friends and the followers of other opinions as enemies.

Religion is a practical thing, opinion is a belief thing. God and Allah

Religion is natural because it is in accordance with the nature of man or is of human nature and its basis is God or the law of creation, but opinion is unnatural or abnormal because it is created by man.

There can be only one religion, there are many opinions. God and Allah

“Religion is moral conduct.”
Therefore, to be religious, it is essential to be virtuous. But it is not essential to be virtuous in a religion or sect.

Religion makes a man human or by adopting religion i.e. religious qualities and deeds, a man attains humanity and becomes entitled to be called a human, whereas a sect only makes a man a sectarian or religious or superstitious. In other words, by believing in a religion or sect, a man becomes a follower of that religion. He does not become virtuous or religious. God and Allah

Religion connects a man directly with God and says that to attain salvation, it is essential to become a religious or virtuous person, but a sect says that for salvation, it is essential for a person to become a sectarian or a follower of a sect. And for salvation, it says that following the beliefs of that sect is more important than virtue.

Religion gives happiness, while sect gives pain. God and Allah

There is no place for external symbols in religion because religion is not gender based – Na Lingam Dharmakaranam means gender (external symbol) is not the reason for religion. But it is necessary to have external symbols for faith like it is necessary for a Muslim to have a net cap and beard. God and Allah

Religion teaches to sacrifice one’s life for the protection of the interests of others whereas religion gives the message of sacrifice in the form of violence to take the life of other humans and animals for one’s own benefit.

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